Aug 19Liked by Casey Winters

Love the format. Would play with the audio so it sounds a little more like a podcast and less like a "talk." There's also a little bit of a delta between this audio and how I think you talk.

A few key points

0:03 - "Today I want to discuss" - this isn't a discussion. I think you'd say "Today I want to share ..."

1:34 - "Many talented individuals" - I think you'd probably say "Many talented people"

1:45 - "Consequently" -- I've never heard you say that before. Maybe you have, but it sounds weird.

Idea to play with:

I wonder if these isn't a way to make this into a bit more of a predictable "format" by making this sound and feel like you're sharing 3 bullet points instead of it sounding like a snippet of a TED talk. It might also help with the prompting - you give it 3 bullet points and it spits out this audiogram.

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Great thoughts. I think I did say individuals in the original recording, but not the others, which were added. We are playing with how constrained the output should be vs. letting people develop their own style. I do think the aspiration is more of a great response to a podcast question vs. a talk, but I'm playing around with both.

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Aug 19Liked by Casey Winters

Like the format. I like hearing your voice. Creates better connection and makes me more likely to consume. I don’t know if that would hold for people I don’t know / haven’t met. My guess is yes, I follow enough influencers I don’t know and watch their reels… That said, >50% of the time I’m more likely to consume short audio / video content on social by reading subtitles. This is because I’m browsing while doing other stuff or near other people (scrolling while on couch) and don’t want to find / wear headphones. I like the subtitles, but there are 2 sets on top of each other, which made it unreadable. Appreciate that the subtitles responded to playback speed settings - many do not!

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Thanks. Yeah, we have some iterations to make on the subtitles side for sure.

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Aug 19Liked by Casey Winters

Content = yes, valuable. I think my takeaway is also to evaluate-- are you even on a rocket ship??? and how would you know? Format = I like it. I used subtitles and playback speed (faster), but definitely kept my interest better than reading.

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Aug 19Liked by Casey Winters

Good format, and really appreciate the length, it turned my action from 'mark unread' for later to 'i'll listen now'.

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Aug 19Liked by Casey Winters

This is a great format!

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Great advice! Knowing what you are joining and where you are sitting really helps gauge how your career growth can line up with the company’s vision and growth trajectory. I also love the bite-sized audio format, which is easier to digest. Framing the title as a question can be a good change to get folks to think more deeply on it, especially for a short-length post/audio.

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Love the audio format! It does sound a bit metallic, which I guess is expected.

The written piece was useful to reel me in, but then I ignored it and the subtitle to focus on the audio. I don't see this as a problem at all as I consume a lot of my content this way while exercising, cooking, etc. and have also been us

The length is good too and reminds me of notes I'd leave my cofounder on whatsapp and more recently I've also started using this as audio notes in Slack. As a result I would have the expectation this evolves into something interactive if I choose to dig deeper.

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